Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Natural pest control in the garden and your home.

Natural Pest Control in the Garden and your Home.

There are many of us searching for natural ways to deter pests from devouring our gardens and us. 
Mosquitos are prevalent during the muggy, humid days of summer and are attracted to damp conditions. So our garden is a good place for them to hang out, with all the watering we do. Be sure not to leave watering cans laying around with water still in them as this becomes a perfect breeding ground for these tiny biters. However, there is no foolproof way to keep mosquitos out of your space. There are some plants that will help to repel them from your garden or living space. 

Citronella Grass & Lemongrass

Citronella grass and lemongrass are the most well known and widely used mosquito deterrents available. A lot of you may be familiar with the citronella oil that is used in torches and candles to be burnt and help keep mosquitos at bay. The grass is the original source and has the same abilities as the oils and candles. If you keep your citronella grass in a pot it is also portable. Used in the garden it helps keep the mosquitos at a distance that may allow you to tend your garden area without being bitten by a tiny buzzer.

This herb not only repels mosquitos and flies, it is also harvestable and preservable to use in the future for your favorite recipes. You can plant this herb in a pot or directly into your garden to help repel some common flying pests. If you plant basil into pots and place by doors into your house you will notice fewer flies entering your home when the door is opened. Basil also improves the flavor of some other plants such as tomatoes, peppers, and asparagus.


Lavender repels moths, fleas, flies, and mosquitos. In the garden, it helps to repel flying pests. You can dry this herb and hang the dried bouquets around your home to change the minds of flies who may consider entering an open door. Lavender oil also works as a mosquito repellent for the skin.


This herb not only repels mosquitos but also is a deterrent for many pests that are harmful to vegetable plants. This trait makes this a perfect companion plant for most of your vegetables in the garden. You can also boil the leaves and let steep and put the "tea" into a spray bottle to use as an insect repellent. The liquid can be stored in the refrigerator until it loses its scent potency.


Dill is a wonderful, all around pest repellent. It repels aphids, squash bugs, spider mites, cabbage loopers, and tomato hornworms. This herb also makes some great tasting pickles!


Oregano not only gives life to many dishes we may prepare in our kitchens this herb also repels many pests such as mosquitos, whiteflies, and fleas. When planted in the garden it also provides some groundcover that may deter weeds but it doesn't stop there it also provides humidity for peppers when planted nearby.


Unknown said...

This is very helpful information. We have a problem with flies pestering us.

Mitchell's Nursery said...

Glad we could help

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